Sunday, 6 November 2016

The Secret Santa Solver : £15 and under

Hello there, Fairypants fans! We're sorry that we didn't have a post ready for you last week, but we've been working on a special something for the festive season, and we'll have an extra post up later this week to make up for it! We present to you the very first edition of the Fairypants 'Secret Santa Solver'!

You know how it is - everyone at work draws names out of a hat and all of a sudden, you're saddled with buying a present, on a budget, for someone you maybe don't know so well.

We're here to take the stress out of the festive season for you! Here are our top 3 present ideas for a budget of £15 and under - AND we'll be covering other budgets later in the series :)

#1: The Ultimate Lip Kit - £12

If your recipient regularly wears bold & bright lip colours, the chances are excellent that they would appreciate our Ultimate Lip Kit. Comprising one of our super-sweet Lip Scrubs, a sumptuous Lip Balm and one of our beyond-beautiful (not to mention ridiculously moisturising) Lip Paints, this set is an absolute must-have for anyone who likes to look after those smackers! You can choose any combination of all of our flavours, scents and colours for each product and get a beautifully boxed gift set for just £12!

The Ultimate Lip Kit - £12

#2: Fairypants Boxed Perfume - £13.50

Ask around: if your lucky gift-buddy has a sweet tooth or a love of cocktails, or is even just a perfume-hoarder (plenty of us are, it's nice to have lots of options :D ), for just £13.50 you can present them with a perfume unlike any other. Our range of vegan perfumes includes scents such as Peach Melba, Strawberry Bellini, Cola Bottles and so many more!

Perfume 30ml - £13.50

#3: Mix & Match Nail Varnish Gift Set - £15.00

This one's easy. Look at your recipient's hands. Are they wearing nail varnish? If so, we've almost certainly got at least one set of nail varnishes that they will love. You can mix and match - for instance, if their signature colour is pink, you could pick out five pink-toned variations from each of our lines! Naturally, you could also just choose one of our pre-selected gift sets. For bold, sassy mani-fans, the Neon Gift Set is an absolute must have, but our Matte Pastel set is perfect for nail-fashionistas who like to keep it more toned down.

Neon Nail Varnish Set - £15
As I'm sure you already know, all of our products are 100% cruelty-free and vegan-friendly - tested only on willing humans! If you have become the Secret Santa to a vegan or vegetarian lady or gent, quite frankly we're certain that anything you could present to them from our selection would be gratefully received! All products are handmade in the UK and created by our very own Fairy Queen, Natalie :)

What would you love to receive as a gift? If you give it a quick tweet/share on Facebook, your Secret Santa has no excuse not to spoil you ;)


Click here to see our '£10 and under' Secret Santa Solver!

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