About Fairypants

Hello and thanks for reading my blog!

If you are a regular reader you will know that I am the WORST blogger ever - I forget all the time. Sometimes it might be months between posts. I am not dead, I have forgotten. So sorry in advance. One day, when I am a millionaire, I will pay someone to do all this for me, and then at least you can be sure of a decent read every now and then.

So, who am I?

I'm the brains behind Fairypants, vegan cosmetics, skincare, perfume and accessories - and anything else that takes my fancy. Our range is continually expanding, so check back for regular details.

Become a Facebook fan here www.facebook.com/FairypantsUK

and follow me on Twitter @fairypantsuk.

I really really like feedback, so feel free to give me some! If you don't want to talk to me on here or any of the above ways, please email me on info@fairypants.co.uk. I will never ignore you, promise :-D.