Friday, 17 July 2015

Have you seen our new lip balms?!

We know our lipbalms are your favourite. You buy them all the time, and you get super excited when we launch new flavours - which we do every now and then.

Now is one of those times. We hadn't made a new flavour since Christmas, and we were feeling a bit antsy. So - enter Margarita, Blueberry Muffin and Parma Violet!

Ay yay yay it's Margarita time!
Margarita is amazingly refreshing, full of really juicy citrus flavours, a slick of this is enough to make your mouth water! We won't judge you if you buy several of these to see you through the summer.

Blueberry Muffin is here to stay!
Blueberry Muffin is our favourite of the newbies. Imagine buying a warm blueberry muffin, cracking it open and inhaling the amazing smell of awesomeness. That's what this lipbalm is like. You're welcome.

You asked - so shall you receive. It's Parma Violet!
And finally, get ready for your lips to taste like Parma Violets, which is something we know you've always wanted. It doesn't quite fit into our categories of cakes or cocktails, but enough people have asled for it, so we've answered you!

These cool new flavours are all still just £3.99 each from, and you can also get all 3 in a lovely gift box for £10- not that you have to give it away if you don't want to...


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