Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Meet the team!

For part one of meet the team it makes total sense for it to be me - the CEO, the founder, the director - call me what you like, I'm the brains behind Fairypants. Everything that happens is because of my crazy mind.

Hello, here I am.
If you'd like to know the basics, my name is Natalie, I was born in 1987, making me currently 28 and I'm a Chester gal through and through. I'm very proud of the British heritage of Fairypants, and I'm obsessed with the past. I'm certain I was born too late, and I love swing dancing, music from the 40s - 90s and good old fashioned cocktail.

Fairypants started in 2009, and it was all because I'd graduated university, found myself inexplicably still working in retail, and I wanted something more. It started with making dresses, then jewellery, then cosmetics came last. Sometimes I wish I'd had a clearer dream, and that the cosmetics had come straight away, but I believe that everything happens for a reason, and so there's probably a reason for the development of Fairypants.

I started off with a stall in Chester Market, and for the first few weeks it was only my friends who visited, took pity on me and bought something. Time passed and that changed - with every year we've been operational, it gets busier and busier. Which can only be a good thing.

Rhubarb and Custard perfume. I'm not the only one!

I'm obsessed with cosmetics, so it really was only a matter of time. I invest a lot of money into lotions and potions, and before I could make my own, I would trawl far and wide to find what I wanted. Now I can make things myself it makes it much easier - if I have a dream about some amazing nail varnish, I don't have to spend months trying to see if it exists, I'll just make it. It's pretty amazing being able to make your thoughts and dreams a reality. It's even more amazing when people buy them, meaning I'm not the only one wanting a Rhubarb and Custard perfume, or a neon nail varnish so bright it blinds you.

S'pretty bright, right?

I really really love it when people buy the stuff I make. That sounds totally obvious - why wouldn't I love it? But when you've made something, you dreamed it, now you've made it real- and it's something quite unusual- when people start buying it, it's a validation like no other. The point of Fairypants is to create things you can't get elsewhere, and that means some of it is quite weird. So if other people want that weird thing too, it means my mind isn't as crazy as I sometimes think it is.

I also do all our social media, so if you're tweeting, instagramming or facebooking us, then for the most part it's me that you're speaking to. I've taught myself how to do social media for business, and it's all a learning curve - so each time you post to Fairypants you're helping me out - so thanks! I particularly love seeing your photos, so whether it's you unwrapping your parcel, or you letting your two year old paint your nails - I love seeing those pictures! Anything that you post to us will always be reposted, but especially if it's totally amazing!

If you email info@fairypants.co.uk then that also comes straight through to me - so if you want to ask me a question, that's how to do it. I look forward to hearing from you, and I hope you've enjoyed learning a bit more about me! xox

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