Monday, 27 April 2015

Focus on - Animal Aid

If you look at the footer of our website, you'll see we list all the shops/websites that stock our lovely goodies. Some of them stock more lines than others, and they all buy in different quantities. But they're all equally important to us. If every city in the UK stocked Fairypants then EVERYONE would know all about it- and that's our ultimate aim. WORLD DOMINATION(Or, you know. Just the UK. That'd be cool too).

Animal Aid are one of our first stockists, so they believed in us when others didn't even know about us. And for that we are eternally grateful. It's always really exciting when we get an email from them placing an order - we love imagining all of the new customers they are helping us to reach.

Nobody talks about Animal Aid better than themselves, so this description comes from their fab website -

Animal Aid is the UK's largest animal rights group and one of the longest established in the world, having been founded in 1977.
We campaign peacefully against all forms of animal abuse and promote cruelty-free living. We investigate and expose animal cruelty, and our undercover investigations and other evidence are often used by the media, bringing these issues to public attention.
Please do go see their site if you get the chance -
They don't just stock our stuff, but some gorgeous bits by some other  companies too - it's a bit of a one stop shop - there's lots of products out there we don't make yet, and you quite probably can find them at Animal Aid.
In short, if it wasn't for people like Animal Aid believing in us and trusting our products, we wouldn't be where we are today. So give them some love.

Animal Aid are big fans of our Nail Varnish - Mary is just one of the lovely shades you can find there. xox

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