Friday, 17 April 2015

Well hello there!

We started this blog a million years ago, way back in the mists of 2012. We then kinda... stopped blogging. Because life took over!

It was brought to our attention that this old blog was still out there in the ether, so we decided to actually do something with it.

So hello, let us start again. We are Fairypants, and we design and make vegan cosmetics, skincare, perfume, jewellery and accessories. We started with just a few ranges, but our offering is expanding all the time, so keep up to date with us, so you don't miss anything...

To start off, I'll tell you the story of how we started making cosmetics. Sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...

Make up has always been an obsession of mine - I used to work as a beauty specialist for a well know high street retailer back in the day, and they used to just take my wages straight back off me, I spent that much money there. But above all, I loved lip balm. I collected it from all over the world, paid ridiculous postage fees, had friends bring it back for me and so on. But I was never TRULY satisfied, you know?

Until, that fateful day I stumbled upon a recipe for make-your-own lipbalm. I got so excited, I probably did a little wee. I found stockists for all of the ingredients, and set about following the recipe, tweaking it a bit every now and then.

The only thing about lipbalm is it's realllllly hard to just make one or two, so I ended up with about 20 extra pots in different flavours - so I gave the extras away to friends and family. They told me they wanted MORE, so I thought... hang on - can I sell these?

Turns out there's loads of red tape when you make anything people will put on or near their bodies (quite rightly). So after conversations with my local council, I set up a relationship with a lab, so that each product I made could be thoroughly assessed for safety. That can be kinda expensive, but I reckoned it's better to be safe than sorry - better to pay for EVERYTHING so that it's all above board.

So I did! That was a couple of years ago now, and since I've spent shedloads of money creating new ranges. Now we have lip balm, lip scrub, lip paint, nail varnish, eye shadow, skin balm and perfume. And we keep expanding - I won't rest until I've replaced everything in your make-up bag/bathroom cabinet/box on the floor.

So - nice to meet you, see you soon!

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